Oral Medicine
Oral medicine is the field that includes dental medicine. It focuses on the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of oral diseases.
Oral health goes beyond healthy teeth, but also an overall health in the different components of the mouth. Oral health is the specialty that aims to prevent, diagnose and treat diseases that occur in the oral cavity and the maxillomandibular complex. It includes problems related to the teeth, gums, salivary glands, among others.
Even individuals with good oral hygiene habits and that avoid harmful behaviours like smoking and eating too many sugary foods should visit a dentist once or twice a year for a routine consultation and, possibly, a dental cleaning.
If you would like to learn more information about oral health treatments, contact us through email, by calling +351 220 973 751, +351 211 379 718, +351 911 046 197, by filling out our form. You can also contact us through our free call service to your right.
Learn more about the different treatments available at Bonfante Dental Clinic:
This is the field responsible for the maintenance and supervision of oral health, through dental cleanings with tartar removal, fuoral varnish and dental sealants. Such procedures must be complemented by good oral hygiene at home. All these aim at preventing and detecting prematurely any problems in the teeth, gums or bone.
Endodontics is the specialty that studies and treats diseases in the tooth’s pulp (nerves and blood vessels) by removing this pulp, desinfecting the channel and sealing the tooth, in order to prevent further infections. This endodotics treatment is oftern referred as desvitalization.
Periodontology focuses on the study and treatment of soft tissues like gums and hard components like the bone involving the tooth. Periodontal disease is the inflamation of the gums (which become more red, swollen, and hemorrhagic) and can lead to bone loss and gum recession.
Orthodontics focus on the prevention and treatment of bone or teeth anomalies, by using fixed ou removable dental braces.
The implants act as an artificial root to hold artificial teeth. This technique can be used when the patient has lost either one, multiple or all teeth. When there is a total loss of teeth, it is not necessary to use an implant per tooth, a dental implant prosthesis can be used instead.
This field of oral medicine aims to rehabilitate or mantain the oral function, restoring the mastication, aesthetics and phonetics by putting crowns or removable bridges on teeth or implants. Another treatment option would be acrylic or skeletal prosthesis.
Dental imagiology is the field that uses the digital image to diagnose and treat dental diseases.