Couple and family therapy
How to overcome marital challenges in uncertain times, as a couple or as a family, with the help of a leading expert in the field.
Communication problems, lack of emotional affection and distance, episodes of extramarital affairs, unrealistic expectations regarding each other or the relationship, are some of the problems reported by couples who seek couples and family therapy.
The demands of external and internal changes that a couple encounters over time, which become even more complex today, can threaten the dynamics of the family unit. With or without children, the coexistence between two people goes through several changes and routines; although this is not a simple process, many spouses end up facing multiple adversities in terms of communication.
According to the American Psychological Association, “at any stage of life, our relationships and families provide us with joy and challenges. Learning to manage stress, to understand our emotions and behaviors and to communicate effectively, can help strengthen our emotional health, as well as our connections with the important people in our lives.”
why go to couple or family therapy?
Each person has their own set of individual issues and lives with their own values and principles, which is why each couple (or family) is unique. Couples therapy can help each partner understand the different issues in their relationship and learn to overcome difficulties.
In Family and/or Marital Therapy, the partners of the couple or family unit are encouraged to express themselves more openly, communicating their concerns and perspectives on reality to each other. Many couples undertake this procedure for the first time in these types of sessions, only later realizing that this work together can be highly beneficial for their relationship. In consultations (in person or online), couples can find the ideal environment and context for mutual understanding of the relationship to be expanded, and the connection between them to be improved, resulting in greater intimacy and satisfaction with their partner.
Sometimes one of the partners is not particularly motivated for this type of therapy, but during the process, and as they better understand the difficulties in their relationship, they become ready to change their behavior and/or communication. The beginning of therapy can be demanding, as changes are required in several dimensions. Throughout the therapeutic process, these are worked on with the aim of achieving the expected results.
Knowing how to listen and communicate what one feels is the first challenge for any couple. For this reason, it has become increasingly common for couples and families to seek out the offices of psychologists with certified training in couples and family therapy, where each partner is invited to explain not only their situation, but also their perception of it.
However, some spouses prefer to share their experience alone with the therapist, without the presence of their partner. In some situations, this is the best way for the person to feel motivated to understand their relationship with their spouse or with others, and to improve their communication.
Medical Port provides access to certified and experienced professionals in these two types of therapy, either individually or together.
Online or face-to-face appointments
Couple and Family Therapy can be carried out in person at the psychologist's office, or through online consultations, by telephone or video call on a virtual platform. If you want to know more about this procedure, see the information we provide on Online Psychology Consultations.
Doctors who perform this medical procedure

Psicóloga Clínica e da Saúde| Neuropsicóloga | Psicóloga da Psinor
Licenciada pela Faculdade de Psicologia e de Ciências da Educação da Universidade do Porto e Pós-graduada em Neuropsicologia Clínica e em Terapia de Casal e Sexologia Clínica, encontrando-se a realizar Doutoramento em Ciências Forenses.
Tem formação em Terapias Cognitivo-Comportamentais de 3ª geração. Membro da Sociedade Portuguesa de Neuropsicologia. Foi docente convidada na Escola Superior de Saúde. Atualmente exerce funções enquanto psicóloga clínica (individual e de casal) e formadora em domínios técnicos.