Hospital Lusíadas Lisboa
Its prime location and unique spacial architecture, allied with state-of-the-art technology, are key factors to describe some of its main features
Considered by the Reputation Institute as one of the top 100 most prestigious brands in Portugal, Hospital Lusíadas Lisboa has kept high standards in all its services and client care, where effort and passion are associated with the vitality, rigor and confidence this Hospital inspires.
Hospital Lusíadas Lisboa is the official Medical Service for various social, cultural and sports entities, thus demonstrating the quality and competence that has been recognized for in areas of reference such as Mother-Child Unit, Medically Assisted Reproduction Unit, Ophthalmology, Emergency Care, Cardiology, Bariatric Surgery, Check-ups, and Orthopedics.
If you'd like to learn more about Hospital Lusíadas Lisboa and its medical specialties, contact us through email, by calling +351 220 973 751, +351 211 379 718, +351 911 046 197, or by filling out our form. You can also contact us through our free call service to your right.
Clinical Staff
Hospital Lusíadas Lisboa has over 800 highly qualified healthcare professionals. Their aim is to innovate through their actions in order to offer their clients a friendly, trustworthy and welcoming environment, achieving excellence with dedication, both ethically and humanely.
Assisted Reproductive Technology
Luís Vicente

Assisted Reproductive Technology
With a degree in Medicine by Faculdade de Ciências Médicas da Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Dr. Luís Vicente is part of the Obstetrics and Gynecology Unit, specifically in Assisted Reproductive Technology, of Hospital Lusíadas Lisboa since September 2008.
Areas of interest: Reproductive Medicine, Endometriosis, Reproduction and Minimal Invase Surgery, Thrombophilia, Recurrent Abortion.
Daniela Sobral

Assisted Reproductive Technology
Dr. Daniela Sobral has a degree in Medicine from Faculdade de Medicina of Universidade de Coimbra since 1994. She is a Specialist in Obstetrics and Gynecology (since 2003), with a subspecialty in Reproductive Medicine (since 2010).
Author of several lectures and communications in scientific meetings, and author or co-author of various publications in specialized publications, has participated in countless actions in the community to share expertise in the field of Reproductive Medicine.
Areas of interest: Reproductive Medicine, Family Planning, Pediatric and Adolescent Gynecology, Laparoscopic Surgery and Gynecological Hysteroscopy.
Rui Leitão

Coordinator of the Plastic Surgery Unit
With a degree in Medicine by Faculdade de Medicina de Lisboa since 1988, Dr. Rui Leitão is the Coordinator of the Plastic Surgery Unit at Hospital Lusíadas de Lisboa since 2006. Previously he worked in several other public and private hospitals of Lisbon, Portugal’s capital.
His main interest areas are: Breast reconstruction, Hand surgery, Esthetic surgery, Microsurgery, Dermo-cosmetic procedures and Laser treatments.
Diagnosis & Check-Ups
General surgery
Ângelo Ferreira

Coordinator of the Obesity Treatment Center
Ângelo Ferreira has a degree in Medicine from Faculdade de Medicina of Coimbra and is a General Surgeon in the Hospital Lusíadas Lisboa. Dr. Ângelo Ferreira has an extensive experience in the field of General Surgery and Obesity Surgery.
He performs obesity surgery, gastroesophageal reflux surgery (GERD), minimally invasive surgery, and upper GI surgery.
Nuno Abecassis

Coordinator of the General Surgery Unit
With a degree in Medicine by Faculdade de Medicina of Universidade de Lisboa since 1985, Dr. Nuno Abecassis is a Specialist in General Surgery since 1994. His work experience in surgeries for cancer treatment and research in the area of General Surgery has been developed both in Portugal and the United States.
Weight-loss programs
Ângelo Ferreira

Coordinator of the Obesity Treatment Center
Ângelo Ferreira has a degree in Medicine from Faculdade de Medicina of Coimbra and is a General Surgeon in the Hospital Lusíadas Lisboa. Dr. Ângelo Ferreira has an extensive experience in the field of General Surgery and Obesity Surgery.
He performs obesity surgery, gastroesophageal reflux surgery (GERD), minimally invasive surgery, and upper GI surgery.
António Fonseca

Coordinator of Gynecology and Obstetrics Unit
He is the coordinator of Gynecology and Obstetrics unit at Hospital Lusiadas Lisboa. Dr. Fonseca has a degree in Medicine by Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de Lisboa and is a specialist in Obstetrics and Gynecology by the Portuguese Medical Board. He is also a specialist in Obstetrics and Gynecology by Maternidade Dr. Alfredo da Costa and has a Consultant degree in Obstetrics and Gynecology.
Dr. António Fonseca’s main areas of interest are: obstetrics and labor, and he is the responsible for the unit of urogynecology, vaginal surgery and gynecologic oncology.
Ana Dias Alves

Raquel Robalo
Gynaecology Coordinator and Obstetrics at Lusíadas Lisbon Hospital
Accredited in colposcopy and lower genital tract pathology by the Portuguese Society of Gynaecology - Portuguese Section of Colposcopy and Lower Genital Tract Pathology (SPCPTGI).
Hospital Assistant at Vila Franca de Xira Hospital until 2019, with primary roles in Urogynaecology, Cervical Pathology (Colposcopy), and Surgical Hysteroscopy.
Specialist in Gynaecology and Obstetrics by the Portuguese Medical Association (2012).
Residency in Gynaecology and Obstetrics at Dr Alfredo da Costa Maternity Hospital.
Graduated in Medicine from the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Lisbon (2002).
Areas of interest:
Cervical Pathology and Colposcopy, Urogynaecology, Hysteroscopy, Obstetrics, and Childbirth.
Nuno Figueiredo

Unit Coordinator of General Surgery at Hospital Lusíadas Lisboa
Prof. Nuno Figueiredo was the Head of the Champalimaud Surgical Center and he is cuurently the Unit Coordinator of General Surgery at Hospital Lusíadas Lisboa. He is an internationally renowned colorectal surgeon and a certified robotic surgeon. In 2013 Prof. Figueiredo won the Pfizer Award for Fundamental Research.
Paula Rodeia

Dr. Paula Rodeia has a degree in Medicine and a Specialty in Neurosurgery.
She is the responsible for the Pediatric Neurosurgery unit at Hospital Garcia de Orta since 1998. Dr. Paula Rodeia holds the degree of Head of Service in Neurosurgery since 2004.
Her areas of interest are neurosurgery for adults and children, peripheral nerve surgery, neuro trauma, among others.
Ricardo Mata Antunes

Ricardo Mata Antunes
Graduated in Medicine from the Faculty of Medicine of Lisbon (2001).
Postgraduate in Sports Medicine from the Portuguese Society of Sports Medicine (2002).
Since 2010, he has been the physician for Sport Lisboa e Benfica.
Areas of interest:
Knee (degenerative, traumatic, and sports-related pathology); Arthroscopic knee surgery; Sports trauma; Joint replacement surgery (knee prosthetics).
Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
Plastic Surgery
Rui Leitão

Coordinator of the Plastic Surgery Unit
With a degree in Medicine by Faculdade de Medicina de Lisboa since 1988, Dr. Rui Leitão is the Coordinator of the Plastic Surgery Unit at Hospital Lusíadas de Lisboa since 2006. Previously he worked in several other public and private hospitals of Lisbon, Portugal’s capital.
His main interest areas are: Breast reconstruction, Hand surgery, Esthetic surgery, Microsurgery, Dermo-cosmetic procedures and Laser treatments.
João Bismarck Pereira

João Bismarck Pereira
Graduated in Medicine in 1997 from the Faculty of Medicine of Lisbon.
Specialist in Paediatrics since 2005.
Paediatrics Assistant at the Faculty of Medicine of Lisbon since 2005.
Numerous national and international scientific communications and publications.
Co-founder of the Paediatrics Unit at Lusíadas Lisbon Hospital.
Coordinator of Paediatric Outpatient and Inpatient Care at Lusíadas Lisbon Hospital.
Areas of interest:
General Paediatrics and Paediatric Emergency.